Qasim Zaidi Perceptual Neuroscience Laboratory

Zhehao Huang

Ph. D. student

Zhehao Huang


Ph.D. student, 2015 - now
Vision Sciences, SUNY College of Optometry, New York, NY.

Curriculum Vitae

Graduate Center for Vision Research, 
SUNY College of Optometry
33 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036


I received a Bachelor of Science degree from the School of Psychological and Cognitive Science at Peking University. I'm working on human color vision through psychophysics measurement and neural modeling, trying to understand the mechanism of color perception under complex environments. My previous studies include exploring sequential effect in color matching, using neural-related imaging processing on natural scenes. I'm currently working on the perception of transparency under different illumination and environment. We are comparing various cues that led to transparent percept and are measuring human's ability to disassociate the transparent object color in a complex environment.